Together with Hof University Faculty of Engineering, the public vocational school of textiles and apparel Münchberg-Naila, as well as the Training and Development Center of the Bavarian Employers' Associations (bfz) Hof, supported by the Saxon Institute of Textile Research e.V. Chemnitz, we carry out the 35th Hofer Vliesstofftage on 4 and 5 November 2020.
This year once again innovative developments concerning the industrial sector of non-woven fabric will be introduced by presentations from the fields of industry, operational practice and research. In addition to this functional information, we want to give participants the opportunity to establish new relationships and deepen existing contacts.
The events center Freiheitshalle in Hof offers versatile and modern facilities for the symposium of non-woven fabric. The ballroom of the Freiheitshalle offers a comfortable atmosphere with modern technology and equipment to participate in the meeting.
The foyer of the Freiheitshalle and the lower and upper foyer of the ballroom provide the premises for participating companies and institutions, to generously present themselves at the accompanying trade exhibition.
Last year more than 430 visitors was registered at the Vliesstofftage in Hof and also the trade exhibition with 76 presentation stands did attract much interest again.
We cordially invite you to attend the 35th Hofer Vliesstofftage.
Association of the Bavarian Industry for Textiles and Apparel
Verband der Bayerischen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e. V.
Klaus Lindner
Xaver Aschenbrenner
Chief Executive Officer
Aktuell werden die Fachvorträge für die 38. Hofer Vliesstofftage ausgewählt. Wenn auch Sie sich mit einem Fachvortrag bei dem Symposium präsentieren wollen, wenden Sie sich bitte an Herrn Prof. Dr. Frank Ficker
39. Hofer Vliesstofftage am 04. und 05. November 2026
40. Hofer Vliesstofftage am 10. und 11. November 2027